Leadership by Lorenzo Tural

Leadership by Lorenzo Tural

To be fit for the business ecosystems in the new global economic world of

. relentless change

. ferocious competition

. unstoppable innovation

companies need to Rethink Leadership!

Move beyond resilience to antifragility!

Successfully navigating through incerto is not possible with yesterday’s thinking patterns and methods!  

📜 embrace uncertainty rather than resist it!

📜 lean into incerto rather than avoid it!

📜 learn to thrive when times get tough!

Companies in Business Ecosystems -of any size and across industries and regions- have five key topics in common:

1. Autodynamic Capabilities 

2. Global Business Environment

3. Multidimensional Stakeholder Relations

4. Three Coherence Forces 

  • Strategy
  • Autodynamic Organization
  • Culture of Autodynamic

5. Business Processes

  • Autodynamical Business Processes
  • Allodynamical Business Processes